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Explore Our Services We Open The Pre-IPO
Markets For All!
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Invest Before the IPO
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About Open Market Ventures

We Open The Pre-IPO
Markets For All!

We offer investors security, transparency, and the choice to hold, sell, or transfer securities to other accounts without hassle or a hidden agenda.

As an investor in the private Pre-IPO marketplace, it is important to be aware of the risks of investing with companies that claim to have no upfront fees. Companies that make these claims are more than likely working with unlicensed individuals and mark up transaction prices without disclosing it to their customers. We have found those who invest through these companies have paid up to 30% higher than the prices we offer our clients. Unlicensed representatives are not subject to the same strict compliance oversight as those regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Explore Our Services

We Open
the Pre-IPO Markets for All

The goal of Open Market Ventures is to provide qualified and accredited investors with access to private companies not yet trading on Public Exchanges.  You can invest in these companies through the transition from private to public through an IPO event.

Access Growth

We work with leading private growth companies to close hundreds of successful client investments.

Leverage Expertise

Our Professionals deliver the expertise, data and analysis to navigate the private market with confidence.

Investment Support

Feel confident in your investments as our representatives stay in touch, even after your purchase is complete.

Venture into Open Markets

Exclusive Access with Premier Pricing


Decades of
Combined Experience

Our Competitive Pricing and Fees Are Completely Transparent

Get Premier Access

With Premier Access
Invest Before The IPO

As a qualified investor, how often have you wished you could invest in proven companies before they IPO?

At Open Market Ventures, we provide qualified and accredited investors with early access to some of the most desirable private companies in the world, including giants like Palantir, Draft Kings, and SpaceX to participate in their transition from private to public entities. We know you carefully plan and execute your investment portfolio to maximize profitability, which is why we personally invite you to join our special opportunity investments.

The goal of Open Market Ventures is to provide qualified investors with access to private companies not yet trading on Public Exchanges.  You can invest in these companies through the transition from private to public through an IPO event.  With our network of professionals, we successfully provide our investors with access to some of the largest IPOs this year and beyond.  We open the Pre-IPO MARKETS for all!

Venture Into Our Marketplace

Access Growth

We work with leading private growth companies to close hundreds of successful client investments.

Leverage expertise

Open Market Ventures delivers the expertise, data and analysis to navigate the private market with confidence from Securities Licensed Professionals.

Find liquidity

Our marketplace includes thousands of registered institutions, family offices and individual investors seeking to buy and sell private company shares.

Successful Transactions Through Our Affiliates